SEO Improvements - Loading a Low-Resolution Image on Initial Page Load

Loading a low-resolution image initially and then swap it with a high-resolution image after the page has finished loading while also supporting different screen sizes, you'll need to use JavaScript in combination with responsive image techniques.

Oscar Quinteros
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Article feature image caption.
Article feature image caption.

Here's a comprehensive approach to achieve that:

JavaScript Approach with Responsive Images and Lazy Loading

<img src="low-res.webp"
alt="Image description"

JavaScript for Image Swapping:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
const lazyImages = document.querySelectorAll('.lazy-load');

lazyImages.forEach(img => {
// Determine screen size
const screenWidth = window.innerWidth;
let highResSrc;

// Select the high-resolution image based on screen size
if (screenWidth < 600) { // Mobile
highResSrc = img.getAttribute('data-src-mobile');
} else if (screenWidth < 1200) { // Tablet
highResSrc = img.getAttribute('data-src-tablet');
} else { // Desktop
highResSrc = img.getAttribute('data-src-desktop');

// Preload the high-resolution image
const highResImage = new Image();
highResImage.src = highResSrc;

// Replace the low-res image with the high-res image after it's loaded
highResImage.onload = function() {
img.src = highResSrc;


Handling Screen Resize

To handle scenarios where users might resize their screens after loading, you can add a resize event listener:

function updateImage() {
const lazyImages = document.querySelectorAll('.lazy-load');

lazyImages.forEach(img => {
const screenWidth = window.innerWidth;
let highResSrc;

if (screenWidth < 600) { // Mobile
highResSrc = img.getAttribute('data-src-mobile');
} else if (screenWidth < 1200) { // Tablet
highResSrc = img.getAttribute('data-src-tablet');
} else { // Desktop
highResSrc = img.getAttribute('data-src-desktop');

// Preload the high-resolution image
const highResImage = new Image();
highResImage.src = highResSrc;

// Replace the low-res image with the high-res image after it's loaded
highResImage.onload = function() {
img.src = highResSrc;

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", updateImage);
window.addEventListener("resize", updateImage);

This should provide a seamless experience for users across different devices and screen sizes.

  1. HTML Setup:
  • Use data-src attributes to store URLs for different screen sizes and a low-resolution placeholder.
  1. JavaScript for Image Swapping:
  • Initial Load: The <img> element starts with a low-resolution image (low-res.webp).
  • JavaScript Execution: Once the page has fully loaded, JavaScript checks the screen size and selects the appropriate high-resolution image.
  • Image Replacement: The high-resolution image is preloaded and then replaces the low-resolution image once it's fully loaded.
  • The initial low-resolution image is displayed.
  • The high-resolution image is loaded and swapped in based on the screen size.
  • The image updates correctly if the screen is resized.

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